On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, Terra Maddalone-Ristau and her Care Links team will share information about Care Links’ services to area seniors from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at Christ Community Reformed Church, 1010 Route 146, Clifton Park. Care Links is a program of CAPTAIN Community Human Services, and Terra heads up the Care Links team as Senior Services Program Manager. Shenendehowa Neighbors Connecting partners with Care Links to serve older adults in our southern Saratoga County community. For the past 29 years, Care Links has combined purpose and passion in its mission to support local seniors. Terra invites SNC members and all interested area residents to learn about the range of non-medical services Care Links offers to the senior community and the many volunteer opportunities available.
This informational program is free and open to everyone. Light refreshments will be served. Please call Care Links at 518-399-3262 to register. Registration is appreciated but not required.