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Shenendehowa Neighbors Connecting

General Discussion

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Hi, Katie and Allan,
Good to know all is OK at the CP "penitentiary"! We are doing fine here - under the circumstances. It is great to have the good weather to get out in. Our Wiawaka day visit at Lake George was lots of outdoor fun and a well needed change of location.

I do miss my line dancing but like you am being patient.

Thanks for keeping in touch,
Loretta & Bob Parsons
Hi All in the Forum,

I want to give you a brief update as to where things are with us.
This is a hug from us to you, to let you know we are thinking of you. We don't use Zoom much... We use only for virtual doctor appointment, telehealth and some line dance with the CP Senior Center. We spend significant time outdoors, on the back deck (we call it the CP penitentiary) and walking in the Country Knolls parks.

We are patient but looking forward to seeing you.
Katie and Allan Anderson
There are two ways to have a ZOOM meeting: #1 is to be the Host and #2 is to be a participant.

The host sends you an invitation for the ZOOM call for a specific date and time. You need to have downloaded the ZOOM app to participate and to accept the invitation.

I have accepted and participated in two ZOOM experiences. My phone, which is new--is the best experience for me. My laptop seems to have a great video but no one could hear me speak, so after much troubleshooting, I will use my phone only. My laptop is only 5 years old and we have checked every setting not only on ZOOM but Microsoft and Lenovo.

Being a participant if your device works for audio and video is a simple process. I will be sending my sister a ZOOM invite to speak on Monday and then I will have HOST experience and can tell you more.

Meanwhile we need to ask AGS for the instructions that Gail Myers said she was willing to share.
To use Zoom to attend a meeting, you have to download the Zoom app and sign up for a membership. A free membership will allow you to attend meetings set up by others and host meetings lasting up to 40 minutes. To enter a Zoom meeting, you have to start the app and select “Join.” You will need the meeting number and, depending on the host settings you might need a password. You have to get the meeting number and the password from the person hosting the meeting.
I looked at the Village Collaborative website to see if the guide to use Zoom had been posted. Couldn't find it, so I will check in with Ken Harris to see if it will be available to share with our members.
All I know is you csn a invitation and you click on it and it takes you to the meeting. You use your cell phone or ipad.
I think there is a way to do audio only, call in on landline to a provided number and enter the meeting code. Do I havs this right?
All I know is you csn a invitation and you click on it and it takes you to the meeting. You use your cell phone or ipad.
I think there is a way to do audio only, call in on landline to a provided number and enter the meeting code. Do I havs this right?
Hi Francine and all in the Forum,
I spoke with Millie Fitzpatrick a member of the Knitting and Crocheting special interest group. She would really like to do the ZOOM meeting that you are planning for next week. She is likely to need some coaching regarding ZOOM. Since ZOOM has been mentioned in our general forum do you think we as SNC could put the ZOOM instructions on our website or right in the Forum?
I finally figured out how to find this.
I contacted the people in my knitting group to see if they wanted to meet via Zoom next week. I will let you know if that happens.
Yes! I have Zoom. Only used it once but am happy to try it again with you. Loretta
We should definitely plan for a Zomm coffee club get together for next week. Does everybody have the Zoom app? Hopefully we will not get Zoom bombed!
Hi Everyone,
I too am glad that the Andersons had the Pot Luck dinner before social distancing constraints. That was a wonderful fun event. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again when we are given the all clear. Until then my husband and I have been to a few different biking trails, walking about 3 + miles,sometimes stopping at a picnic table to enjoy a sandwich that we packed. Many of the trails are near sites of the NY canal way or railways. I am also experimenting with participation in Silver Sneakers and YMCA video classes. I have never been much of a video exerciser, but I have been surprised that the trainers have been engaging and the time went by pretty quickly. So good to be in touch! ThanKs Ken, this is a great idea!
Hi, everybody! I figured out how to join the forum on my laptop. Next I'll work on how to get on with my phone.

It's good to hear from you all. And Thanks, Ken!

A Zoom Coffee Club...great! A good excuse to comb my hair! (Insert winking emoji here.)
Great idea Ken. Nice to hear from SNC Neighbors.
Thanks for setting this up, Ken!! Hoping that we can have a Zoom coffee klatch soon, as I miss seeing everyone!
The SNC Village phone tree is up and running, so all members should be receiving a call...hoping this leads to new found friendships, revivals of old friendships, and another means of staying in touch with one another.
We are so fortunate in our community that we have lots of resources to draw upon...let's make sure that everyone is safe and has what they need.
Best to all!!
WE are in! Appreciate the effort to stay connected. We are coping well so far. Lots of walking, home exercise and gardening. Glad we had a potluck in February just before the pandemic. We were able enjoy this social gathering as an opportunity to get to know some of the members......Katie and Allan Anderson
Actually, we’re doing pretty well, even though it’s a little boring sometimes. We’ve been walking a lot and doing home projects that we’ve put off for a long time. Hope everyone else is coping. I’m thinking of holding a Zoom coffee club meeting next week!
Here’s my reply!
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